Whats Under Your Boat

Whats Under Your Boat

John 21:2-5  

2) Several of the disciples were there—Simon Peter, Thomas (nicknamed the Twin),Nathanael from Cana in Galilee, the sons of Zebedee, and two other disciples. 3) Simon Peter said, “I’m going fishing.”  “We’ll come, too,” they all said. So they went out in the boat, but they caught nothing all night. 

4) At dawn Jesus was standing on the beach, but the disciples couldn’t see who he was. 5)  He called out, “Fellows, have you caught any fish?” “No,” they replied. 

One of Jesus’ 12 disciples – Simon Peter is the main character of this story:  

Peter –  had been through some of the greatest victories with Jesus.  He was close with Him! He had seen the miracles.   At this point in Scripture that Jesus died and had rose again.  It’s been a whirlwind of a ride for old Peter.  Up and Down.  Disappointed, let down, confused….we have all been there.    

In John 21: 3 :  Simon Peter said to them “ I’m going fishing” 

Peter was saying.. I can’t take it anymore.  I was successful before I started serving the Lord.  I had people who worked for me, I had my own career.  I had my own fishing industry.  Me and Andrew were never hungry, we knew how to get what we wanted.  I knew what hours I needed to work to get the job done.  I had my family  – I had my friends.  I don’t want this anymore and I am going fishing! Peter was thinking I gave it all up for him.  I gave it up to follow Him.  Now where is He now that I am in trouble?   

OK, it wasn’t a very spiritual thing to do…It may not be spiritual but it is understandable.  Peter was a fisherman first.   

Anytime your present world is under pressure your greatest temptation will be to revert back to what you were doing before.   

Peter was a fisherman.  But what about all the other people who said…”well if you are going fishing….we are going with you!”  They weren’t even fisherman.  But because Peter was out there they decided to go.  Don’t be disillusioned.  The enemy works hard on those of you with the slightest bit of leadership ability to keep you from finding your spot and settling into.  

Now Peter has a boat full of people that he needed a break from.  He has Luke on the boat with him….come on Luke’s a doctor…he don’t know what he’s doing.  This is a headache for Peter cause now he has a bunch of people who don’t know what they are doing – they are all looking at him for their next move.  Luke let someone else influence him.   

So here we see Peter who is feeling good right about now  – he is ready to show off.  He throws the net out and he is talking it up big time right about now and he waits – he probably says “Oh Luke this is going to be a big catch. You are going to love this.”  Then he pulls it up – only to realize it’s empty.   

Peter toiled all night!  

His hair was soaking wet 

It even says in v. 7 that he had taken his clothes off  b/c he was working so hard.  

He had labored all night long 

He’s embarrassed, hungry, confused.   

It’s always worked before!  

In the middle of it all…all these emotions on the inside of him. A voice comes from the shore – John 21:5  The voice says “Children, have you any meat?” 

Anyone who is a professional and has fished all night without catching anything doesn’t want to be asked that question.   That answer forces you to confront your failure!  

Peter was probably thinking…what now?  Everything in my life is a mess.  I just wanted to do something I was good at – I wanted to fish.  There isn’t nothing out here for me.   

Jesus came to the place of Peter’s failure and said you don’t have to move, take your net and cast it on the other side.  I am going to show you how be successful in the same house, the same marriage, the same spot, the same boat, the same job that you had your biggest failure in.   

You may feel embarrassed and feel like you wasted your time.  Jesus said don’t move!  It may look like it isn’t working.  Don’t move – just because you haven’t caught it Peter doesn’t mean it ain’t there.  Your problem is you thought you could do it on your own –  with your own skill, talents, and ability.  But before it is all said and done you will know that it is Not By My Might or Power But  By My Spirit Says The Lord!