Recently my husband and I had to say goodbye to our dog. Yes, I know, what does this have to do with anything? Bear with me, I promise, it’ll all make sense.

In the days following that loss, we both experienced our Lake Hills Church family surround us, check on us, just be THERE for us. They loved us, walked through our grief with us, and by doing that helped us through our sadness.

In the book, Love Does, by Bob Goff he retells a story of when he was 17 and made, honestly, not the brightest decision. He tells of an individual who walked with him through that decision and kept saying, “Bob, I’m with you.” And that simple act of BEING there opened Bob’s heart to the Gospel, to the love of Christ.

In Matthew 1:22-23 we read that one of Jesus’ names is Immanuel, which means “God with us.” Jesus came so we could truly have God WITH us. God was no longer a distant being, He lived with us, walked with us, talked with us, hurt with us. God was, and still is, WITH us.

Love is a pretty big deal in the Bible. In the NIV the word, in some form, shows up nearly 700 times! I know we all think we understand what love is, what love means. I would argue that most of have a warped view, due to the world we live in, society, the messages and images we are constantly bombarded with. Love is NOT a feeling. Love is a verb. We see this many times when Jesus talks, and later, in Paul’s letters.

Jesus, in John 13:35, told His disciples that the world around them would know they were His followers by their LOVE. Love in action, not as a feeling. Love as a verb.

In 1 Corinthians 13 we read a long list of what love is. Then Paul went on to say that without love, in action, we are NOTHING. Yes, you read that right… nothing… How harsh, huh? But, think about it… How much truer is it?

Romans 5:8 (NIV) reads “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” God showed us His love that in while we were still living in sin, He sent His ONLY son to die for us, to be an atonement for us. Something we have never, and will never deserve.

In John 15:13, Jesus told His followers that there is no greater LOVE than to lay down your own life for another’s. Once again, love as a verb, an action.

As you can see, as followers of Christ, we are called to LOVE, in action, not just in word. I challenge you to allow the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to those around you, to see those that He has placed in our path, those that need us to just BE THERE and to LOVE them. 


Continue reading LOVE DOES by Bob Goff


In what ways can you model a LOVE = REACH for others this week? Come share your thoughts and comments on our Facebook page.