Colossians 3:23 (NKJV) And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men.


We live in a world that is ob­sessed with perfection. Imag­es of perfect men and women with perfect bodies stream into our homes and scream at us from the covers of mag­azines that we’re inadequate. We’re engaged in the end­less pursuit of the perfect job, the perfect mate, and the perfect house—which is, of course, located in the perfect neigh­borhood. We’re constantly told that we’re not good enough and need improvement by television ads selling every­thing from toothpaste to tires. The pursuit of perfection is ex­hausting. It’s also destined to forever be a pursuit as there is no way to ever capture that goal.

Perfection is a myth, but it’s a dangerous myth. It rips apart marriages, gouges at our souls, strips us of contentment, and erodes our sensibilities. At the root of perfectionism is fear. Fear of rejection. Fear that we won’t be loved, that we won’t be accepted.

The Bible tells us that whatever we do, we are to do it “heart­ily.” Not perfectly, “heartily.” And further, God’s word in­structs us to do it as to the Lord, not as to men. God, in His infinite wisdom, knew that if we were to spend our lives doing things as unto men, we would constantly find re­jection. We would face, again and again, not measuring up, not being accepted, not being good enough. He is the only one who loves us uncondition­ally, faults, flaws, imperfections and all. We will never face re­jection by Him. We will never have a time when He says that we aren’t good enough. In fact, He says that we are wonderful­ly made, that He delights in our well-being, that His thoughts are favorable towards us.

What a relief to know we don’t have to chase the perfection myth, nor live by the standards set by other’s opinions of us. He has already made it clear that He finds us worthwhile and of great value, just the way we are.

“Sometimes we make the mistake of thinking God uses only ‘special’ people: the strong, the intelligent, the beautiful. We don’t think He has a place for the rest of us. We are so wrong!” -Chuck Smith

There is a world full of people struggling to measure up, to be good enough, to fit in to the box society has set for them. The sad reality is without understanding the LOVE of Christ they will constantly fail at their attempts. We have a mandate as the church to show them LOVE, value, and Jesus.



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