
2 Kings 3:3-17

In 2 Kings 3, we find three kingdoms had united in war against the Moabites. The Moabites were wicked, and war was necessary.  I think it is important to realize that, sometimes it is necessary to fight: you may have to fight for your family, future, finances, or your health.

In the middle of the battle the prophet Elisha knew he had to have a word from the Lord.  Each of us will have seasons of life where we need a word from the Lord about our situation. In the middle of battle you need to know what God is speaking.  These are times when you must connect to worship!

Elisha connected himself with the tribe of Judah. Judah simply means praise. In the middle of battle, in the middle of distractions, in the midst of chaos, Elisha knew what he was supposed to do.

Worship seals off distractions!  The enemy wants to distract you and keep you from the presence of the Lord.  He knows if he can distract you He can keep you from the word of God.

In the midst of His worship he received a word from the Lord that said:

Make this hard place….Make this battlefield…Make this valley full of ditches.

God told him to dig a ditch and He would fill it.

Why would anyone dig a ditch in a drought?

It seemed ludicrous to dig a ditch.

However, sometimes you have to do something unconventional to receive the unconventional.  Do the uncommon to receive the uncommon.  Do something crazy to receive something crazy.

There are times you may not feel anything – but God is telling you to dig!

The prophet said dig the ditch: AND YET… the valley would be filled with water.

In 2016, your, AND YET moment will be found in worship.  Get alone with the Lord and find your AND YET moment….